Find out how much time you could save by letting SynApp2 handle the details of creating distributed web applications for you. Give your head a rest and your schedule a boost. Roll out a working application as soon as you have the first-cut of your database design.
All of the traditional details and decisions that go with designing and implementing professional web applications are neatly managed – automatically. With a few clicks, you can jump immediately to validating your database design. You’ll instantly have a platform to insure that your data model fits the process flow and supports the output you need to deliver.
Add any amount of customization using interactive GUI and from your own code. The MVC framework is specially designed to make it fast and easy to extend SynApp2 powered applications, with a minimum of effort.
SynApp2 generates applications that are more than good enough to stand on their own. With features like user authentication and authorization, application navigation, data validation, periodic processing and PDF reports – you can confidently provide them as they are.
If you have additional requirements, it’s important to keep in mind that using SynApp2 is not mutually exclusive. SynApp2 fits right in with whatever you’re doing – somewhat like phpMyAdmin. If you’ve got PHP and MySQL (and/or Oracle, and eventually others) in your stack, then you can easily add SynApp2 – without giving up anything. SynApp2 rolls the way you do.
Life is short – take big steps with SynApp2.